Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Currency Trading.... eToro!!!

Ever wonder what it would be like to trade foreign currencies?

How big is the foreign currencies market? Forex trading experiences an estimated $3.2 trillion in daily turnover—that’s ~35 times the average turnover of the NYSE!

Wish you had a safe place to play... that is, practice trading... for fun, without any money actually changing hands... and without any risk?

Looking for something cool?

Take a look at eToro!
It's a new web site that allows you to open a free practice trading account (or place real trades if you wish).

The web site requires a small download, but offers graphical ways to see your trades perform, in real time.
This is where it gets fun… There are four games to choose from:

* Forex Marathon – You pick the currency you think will go up and have it compete in a foot race against the currencies you think will go down.

* Dollar Trend – Race the US Dollar against other currencies, choosing whether it will rise or fall.

* Globe Trader – Manage your Forex trading portfolio by forging relations with other currencies on the map of the world.

* Forex Match – Choose the currency you think will go up and have it go one-on-one in a tug of rope against a currency you think will go down.

One unique aspect of foreign currency trading is that the market is almost always open (excluding some weekend hours), so you will see what is happening in real time with real data, no matter what day or time you log on.

Forex trading is definitely NOT for everyone... it is EXTREMELY highly leveraged (up to 400:1) certainly need to study the market very, very carefully... and place trades, even practice trades, with great care and skill... but eToro just might be a fun way to learn more about the ups and downs of this fascinating international marketplace!

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