Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Ben Stein's Best Thoughts

Sunday's New York Times carried an interesting article which offered Ben Stein's "best thoughts".
I thought I'd share his classic investment advice...

INVEST FOR THE LONG HAUL If you are a smart long-term investor, do not pay any attention to short-term developments. They are often reported by people whose motivation may be to scare you (screaming about the subprime “crisis”) or to make you giddily greedy (screaming about that one certain stock you should buy to retire rich).

Some articles may scare you into selling, or not buying, at the wrong time, because the worse things are, and the worse the mood of speculators, the better the time to buy. Or some may motivate you to buy in excess — sort of like drinking in excess — at exactly the wrong, “irrationally exuberant” time. The people who write some of these articles often know very little about markets, are way too young to have learned much, have no money to invest anyway or just like to act like big shots with your money.

In the very long run, stock prices plus dividends (in the postwar period) have rewarded patient, long-term, careful accumulation of broad indexes, mutual funds, exchange-traded funds and variable annuities (with a careful eye on fees). They have not rewarded short-term trading. Such trading based on tips seen on television shows — even shows whose hosts are true comic geniuses with bald heads — or read in magazines can be potentially disastrous. The short term is no place for the ordinary investor to trade.

AVOID INDIVIDUAL STOCKS The data on this is as clear as a bell, and has been compiled by high-end thinkers ranging from Nobel laureates to the best friend the ordinary investor has ever had, John C. Bogle of Vanguard. Basically, you and I cannot pick stocks, except for Berkshire Hathaway. I was recently on a panel with the stock guru Ray Lucia, who offered overwhelming data about how impossible it was to pick stocks, trade in and out of them and fare as well as the market. His data was terrifying.

The people on Wall Street do many questionable things. They reward themselves extremely well. But they have, in the last couple of decades, made it possible for almost anyone to get good results in stocks: buying very broad-based mutual funds, index funds, exchange-traded funds and (with an eye on fees) variable annuities and holding them for a long time. The evidence that this form of investment does better over long periods than trying to pick stocks is simply staggering.

Yes, maybe some gurus at a hedge fund can do it for a while. Maybe your cousin claims that he has done it. Don’t try to do it yourself.

Wall Street, and especially Morgan Stanley, with its fine exchange-traded funds, and Fidelity and Vanguard, with their super-low-cost index funds, have made it possible to be a really good investor. So have many other companies with broad-based mutual funds. You can buy domestic funds, foreign funds, foreign developed markets funds, foreign developing market funds — all at amazingly low transaction costs.

Just for my own bad self, I suggest the Fidelity Spartan Total Market Index fund (FSTVX), a very broad index fund of domestic stocks; the iShares MSCI Emerging Markets Index fund (EEM), an exchange-traded fund that invests mostly in developing countries’ markets, and the iShares MSCI EAFE Index fund, for Europe, Australasia and the Far East (EFA),which invests mostly in highly developed in Europe, Japan and Australia. This has allowed the rank amateur to take advantage of the long fall of the dollar because the stocks are priced in foreign currencies that have appreciated against the dollar.

If you feel like throwing around money speculating on individual stocks, go for it — but only after you have several millions in index and other mutual funds and exchange-traded funds and variable annuities. Just as you might stop to gamble $300 as you pass by the craps table at the Mirage on your way back from the meeting to your room, feel free to take a flier on a few stocks just for laughs. But keep it limited.

KNOW THY LIMITATIONS Be aware that there are almost no investment geniuses. The only ones I know of are Warren E. Buffett and John C. Bogle and Jim Rogers. If you want to buy Mr. Buffett’s individual stock, be my guest.

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